The Ombudsman



Adrian Usher became Prisons and Probation Ombudsman on 24 April 2023.


Private Office Organogram

Deputy Ombudsman

Fatal Incidents

Deputy Ombudsman

Complaints / Director of Independent Prisoner Complaint Investigations

Deputy Ombudsman

Learning, Analysis and Business Services















Susannah Eagle is responsible for investigating deaths that occur in prison, young offender institutions, probation approved premises and immigration removal centres. Miriam Minty is responsible for all complaints investigations work within the PPO. She leads the teams of investigators that respond to complaints from prisoners, those on probation, immigration detainees and young people in detention. Kimberley Bingham is responsible for driving the learning, research and policy agenda. Kimberley also oversees the provision of business services to the office, including finance, IT, HR and Knowledge and Information management.
Assistant Ombudsmen

Lisa Burrell

Mark Judd

Sarah Stolworthy

Caroline Mills

Louise Richards


Assistant Ombudsmen

Rachel Devlin

Jayme McDonald

Neil Mullane

Lee Quinn

Jennie Drew


Head of Assessment Team

Leoni Larbi

Head of Research, Data & Analysis

Alec Martin

Head of Business Services

Peter Dixon

 Head of Policy & Operational Learning

Nikki Robinson