Care Quality Commission publishes review of end of life care for prisoners

As part of its major review of end of life care, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has drawn extensively on learning published by the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman in its analysis of the quality of care provided for “people who are in secure or detained settings”.

The CQC’s review endorsed one of the Ombudsman’s repeated key messages of recent times, stating:

“Care for older people, including end of life care, is becoming an increasingly important aspect of prison healthcare. The UK prison population is ageing, and people aged over 50 and 60 are the two fastest growing prison population groups. However, there is currently no national older prisoner strategy, or sufficient investment to meet the increasing needs of elderly prisoners. There are challenges in delivering good end of life care in prison, and the experience of prisoners at the end of life is variable.”

Download the full review here.

Download PPO’s own “Learning lessons from PPO investigations: end of life care.”