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Operation Deerness special investigation into abuse at Medomsley Detention Centre begins

As announced on 24 October 2023, the Secretary of State for Justice commissioned the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman to carry out a special investigation into the abuse that took place at Medomsley Detention Centre between 1961 – 1987. 

We have begun our investigation which has been named Operation Deerness and Senior Investigator, Richard Tucker, has put together a video, appealing for people that have any knowledge of the abuse to come forward and share their experiences in confidence. 

If you have any knowledge of the abuse that took place at Medomsley Detention Centre from 1961 to 1987, please read this open letter from Richard Tucker, Senior Investigator.

If you would like to share your story with us, contact: or call/text 07511 165 266. Alternatively you can provide information anonymously through our survey link.

Access to our mailbox is strictly confidential and limited. All emails and contact will be treated with strict confidentiality. 

Read the press release here