Upheld complaint against the Governor in HMP Holme House
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The prisoner complained about property lost when staff in HMP Holme House cleared his cell.
We upheld the complaint as the cell clearance had not been conducted in line with national policy. We recommended that he was paid compensation. We made further recommendations in relation to compliance with the cell clearance process and in relation to the complaints process. We hold the view that this complaint should have been resolved by the prison without reference to IPCI.
Upheld complaint against the Governor in HMP Manchester
Complaint category:
Visits, calls & letters
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
A prisoner complained about the time taken by staff in HMP Manchester to allow him access to virtual visits (purple visits).
We upheld the complaint and recommended that the Governor review the prisoner’s application for virtual visits, and ensure he has appropriate access. In addition, consider crediting the prisoner for missed visits. We asked the Governor to review the process for the completion of the risk assessments for virtual visits and remind department heads of the need to respond quickly to requests for information.
Upheld complaint against the Governor in HMP Leeds
Complaint category:
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
A prisoner complained about property lost when staff in HMP Leeds cleared his cell. Our investigations found that the cell was not cleared in line with national policy in respect of cell clearance.
We asked the Governor to compensate the prisoner. We made a set of recommendations to address the failure to follow national policy, principally around the cell clearance process, gifting, and the administration of confiscated property.
Upheld complaint against the Governor in HMP Nottingham
Complaint category:
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained about property lost when staff in HMP Nottingham cleared his cell. Our investigations found that the cell was not cleared in line with national policy in respect of cell clearance.
We recommended that the Governor compensate the prisoner for the lost property and apologise for not resolving the matter locally. We also recommended that the Governor ensured staff were aware of national policy on cell clearance – and used the approved cell clearance certificates prescribed by the policy. We hold the view that this complaint should have been resolved by the prison without reference to IPCI.
Upheld complaint against the Governor in HMP Berwyn
Complaint category:
Work, pay & money
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained that he had been unfairly dismissed from his job in the DHL workshop at Berwyn after he was seen passing a vape to another prisoner.
We upheld the complaint because although the prisoner had breached his DHL compact, the prison had not followed their own Activity and Allocation policy, or IEP policy and the prisoner had therefore not been correctly removed from his employment. We recommended that the Governor compensate the prisoner for loss of earnings. We asked that the prisons’ Activity and Allocation strategy and IEP policy is updated to include a step-by-step process for dismissal, and that this is communicated to all relevant staff.
Upheld complaint against the Governor in HMP Berwyn
Complaint category:
Visits, calls & letters
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained that a letter from his solicitor had been opened by staff despite it being clearly marked as ‘Rule 39’ mail.
We upheld the complaint. Berwyn apologised to the prisoner and assured him that the Rule 39 procedures had been re-enforced with the mail room.
Partially upheld complaint against the Governor at HMP Wakefield
Complaint category:
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner was deaf and complained that he could not access to a TV with subtitles which prevented him from using his TV.
Our investigation found that the prison was aware of the prisoner’s needs therefore we recommended the prison issue an apology to the prisoner for not relocating him to a suitable cell at the earliest opportunity. We also recommended the prison compensate the prisoner for charges paid for a TV he was unable to use and issue a notice to staff to ensure reasonable adjustments are made to accommodate the needs of prisoners with a disability.
Partially upheld complaint against the Governor at HMP Wakefield
Complaint category:
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Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained that staff removed property from his cell after a cell search but did not record it on his property cards.
We recommended the prison compensate the prisoner for the missing items. We also recommended the prison issue notices to staff regarding the procedures of completing Cell Clearance certificates, the recording of property when it is removed from cells and the need to complete an Intelligence Report when unauthorised items are found in a cell. We hold the view that this complaint should have been resolved by the prison without reference to IPCI.
Partially upheld complaint against the Governor at HMP The Mount
Complaint category:
Visits, calls & letters
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained that he was not getting access to video calls with his family.
Our investigation found that the prison did not act in line with national policy. We asked that the prison apologise to the prisoner, and issue notices to both staff and prisoners to ensure they were all aware of the timescales required to book and arrange video calls to meet the requirements of the policy.
Partially upheld complaint against the Governor at HMP Rochester
Complaint category:
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained that is property was missing after he set a cell fire.
The prison had not maintained clear and accurate property records, so we recommended a Notice to Staff is issued, reminding them of the requirements of the policy framework. Additionally, we asked the prison to provide evidence of their procedures for removing and storing property in the event of a fire.