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Learning and research documents


46 learning and research documents

Learning Lessons Bulletin: Self-inflicted deaths of prisoners – 2013/14

This bulletin looks at the self-inflicted deaths of prisoners from 2013 - 2014

Learning Lessons Bulletin: Deaths of travellers in prison

This learning lessons bulletin is one of a number that my office is producing on minority groups in prison. It looks at issues identified in my fatal incident investigations into both self-inflicted and natural cause deaths and highlights learning points for prisons.

Learning Lessons Bulletin Issue 5: Maintaining family ties

Learning from PPO complaints relating to maintaining family ties with prisoners.

Learning Lessons Bulletin Issue 6: Young adult prisoners

This Learning Lessons Bulletin examines learning from investigations into the self-inflicted deaths of 18 to 24 year old prisoners.

Learning Lessons Bulletin: Risk factors in self-inflicted deaths in prison

This thematic report focuses on learning about risk factors for suicide from my independent investigations into self-inflicted deaths in prisons.

Learning Lessons Bulletin: Self-inflicted deaths of prisoners on ACCT

This thematic report describes learning from investigations into fatal incidents where the prisoner was being monitored under the Prison Service suicide and self-harm prevention procedures at the time of their apparently self-inflicted death.

Learning Lessons Bulletin Issue 2: Immigration removal centres

This Learning Lessons Bulletin looks at some of the recurring concerns from investigations in immigration removal centres (IRCs) relating to both fatal incidents and complaints from detainees.

Learning Lessons Bulletin: Prisoner’s property complaints

This thematic report focuses on the lessons that can be learned from my office’s independent investigations into complaints about prisoners’ property.

Learning Lessons Bulletin Issue 4: Use of force

Learning from PPO complaints relating to the use of force on prisoners.

Learning Lessons Bulletin: Prisoner dismissal from employment

This learning lessons bulletin looks at the frequent complaints that my office receives about prisoners being dismissed from employment.