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Learning and research documents


55 learning and research documents

Learning Lessons Bulletin: Making recommendations

This learning lessons bulletin is about making recommendations.

Learning Lessons Bulletin: End of life care

This learning lessons bulletin highlights our learning on end of life care.

Learning Lessons Bulletin Issue 4: Basic regime

This learning lessons bulletin summarises learning from deaths in custody about the use of basic regime as part of the incentives and earned privileges scheme in prison.

Learning Lessons Bulletin Issue 3: Child deaths

Learning from PPO investigations into three recent deaths of children in custody.

Adjudication complaints

This thematic report focuses on learning from our investigations into complaints about adjudications

Learning Lessons Bulletin Issue 1: Sexual abuse in prison

Highlighting lessons that can be learned from complaints and fatal incidents that involve a sexual element.

Learning Lessons Bulletin Issue 2: Religion

Learning from PPO complaints relating to the challenges that custodial settings place on an individual’s ability to practise their religion.

Learning Lessons Bulletin Issue 2: Restraints

This Learning Lessons Bulletin examines the lessons that can be learned about risk assessment and use of restraints for seriously ill and dying prisoners.

Learning Lessons Bulletin Issue 1: Probation complaints

This first complaints Learning Lessons Bulletin examines the lessons that can be drawn from our investigations of probation complaints.

Learning Lessons Bulletin Issue 1: Deaths in approved premises

This first fatal incidents Learning Lessons Bulletin examines the lessons that can be learnt from deaths in approved premises. This is the first time we have commented collectively on deaths in this context.