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PPO seeks information from authorities in new Call for Evidence


Operation Deerness has reached a new phase in its investigation today as the PPO issue a Call for Evidence asking relevant authorities and organizations to share information they may hold about the abuse which took place.

Click here for further information on Operation Deerness

Prisons and Probation Ombudsman Adrian Usher said: “I expect all authorities and organizations contacted to fully cooperate.

Any information obtained will inform new strands within the investigation so it is vital that anything held is shared with my team so that we can give the victims and survivors the justice they deserve”.

The PPO asks that any member of the organizations or authorities contacted provides them with a full and prompt response by 9 September.

Since launching Operation Deerness, the PPO can now reveal they have:

  1. Reviewed almost 2500 documents and statements previously held by Durham police
  2. Had 60 people contact them with information, including from people who are sharing their experiences for the first time
  3. Conducted over 30 interviews with victims, staff, and witnesses of the abuse
  4. Raised over 300 investigative actions

Any further information shared will help us identify further areas of interest.

Call for Evidence

Call for Evidence Press Release