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Support for bereaved families

The aim of our investigations is to give families the assurance that their loved one was given the dignity and humanity they would expect while being cared for by the state, and highlight any areas for improvement in policies or practices.

Our family liaison officer (FLO) will keep you updated and answer questions or raise any concerns you may have. They are not able to provide bereavement counselling but can give you information on other available support services.

The FLO will contact you within 4 weeks of the death, or after the funeral, whichever is sooner. You’ll be asked if you would like to receive a copy of the PPO’s report at the end of the investigation. If you choose not to be involved, we will not contact you again.

You can contact the Family Liaison Team at the PPO by email at

More help and advice

INQUEST provides free, confidential and independent advice to families following a death in detention or care. They can also give families legal advice such as how to appoint a solicitor.