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Complaint investigation summaries

Read summaries of upheld and partially upheld investigations into complaints on this page. We keep information brief to protect the identities of people involved and we may decide not to publish a summary if the person making the complaint might be identified from it. Please visit our archive site to view complaint summaries published before February 2024.

Every month we publish statistics about the number of investigations we have completed and our decision for each one.

Use the search box below to search complaints by prison name or location.


114 complaints summaries

Partially upheld complaint against the Director of HMP Oakwood

Complaint category:
Categorisation, progression & release preparation
Partially upheld
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained about the delay in completing his Offender Assessment System risk assessment report and sentence plan while he was at HMP Oakwood. We partially upheld the complaint due to the report being completed more than seven months after sentencing (the target is ten weeks).
The prison had taken suitable actions to address the issue prior to the outcome of the investigation. We sent a copy of the Record of Investigation to the Director of Oakwood so that he was aware of the issues identified in the investigation.

Partially upheld complaint against the Governor of HMP Swaleside

Complaint category:
Partially upheld
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained that some of his property had gone missing following his segregation at Swaleside. The investigation found that after the prisoner assaulted an officer, including throwing bodily fluids at him, the cell was found to have excrement and bodily fluids in it. Any contaminated property was disposed of. However, the property cards were not updated to reflect this.
The outcome was copied to the Governor of Swaleside to ensure that if property is disposed of the property cards are updated accordingly.

Upheld complaint against the Director of HMP Forest Bank

Complaint category:
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained that some of his property had gone missing following his segregation at Forest Bank. The IPCI investigation found that the property cards and cell clearance certificates had not been retained in accordance with the policy. It was therefore not possible to establish what had been lost.
We upheld the complaint for this reason.

Partially upheld complaint against the Director of HMP Oakwood

Complaint category:
Categorisation, progression & release preparation
Partially upheld
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained that his Prison Offender Manager had not had enough contact with him for preparation of his initial sentence plan. Although the POM’s caseload made additional contact difficult, they apologised for this, and recognised the failure to explain the delay to the prisoner for 16 weeks, damaged the prisoner’s confidence in their POM.
We suggested such delays be explained to prisoners within a reasonable time and, if/when possible, a new timeframe given to them.

Partially upheld complaint against the Director of HMP Long Lartin

Complaint category:
Visits, calls & letters
Partially upheld
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained that HMP Long Lartin had misinterpreted the policy relating to their 16–18-year-old child visiting using the Approved Visitors Scheme (AVS). The AVS requires most visitors to be security cleared before being allowed to visit prisoners in the high security estate (including post 16). However, this is not the case if the 16–18-year-old is visiting accompanied by another AVS approved adult. Our investigation found that HMPS Long Lartin had misunderstood this latter point.
We advised the complainant to ensure that their child was vetted should they wish to visit unaccompanied post 16. We asked the prison to notify relevant staff and ensure the correct process was followed going forward. We also sent a copy of the letter to the LTHSE PGD so they can ensure all establishments are taking a consistent approach.

Partially upheld complaint against the Director of HMP Swaleside

Complaint category:
Staff behaviour
Partially upheld
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner said that he had handed a complaint form to a member of staff who then refused to give it back when asked. The officer said that they had already disposed of the complaint form at the prisoner’s request. We partially upheld the complaint as although the staff members actions were not directly against policy, we did not consider staff accepting complaints directly to be good practice. The member of staff should have directed the prisoner to use the complaint box on the wing.
Following the IPCI Investigation, the prison spoke with the officer concerned, reminding them to direct prisoners to put complaints in the relevant box. They also sent a notice to all staff reminding them to do the same to avoid complaints getting lost and ensure sensitive / confidential information is protected.

Partially upheld complaint against the Director of HMP Oakwood

Complaint category:
Work, pay & money
Partially upheld
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained about a refund for his food order at HMP Oakwood after he transferred to HMP Stoke Heath before his order was delivered. He wrote again to say that he subsequently received a full refund.
The complaint was partially upheld because this matter could have been resolved much sooner, ideally prior to the prisoner’s release. We hold the view that this complaint should have been resolved by the prison without reference to IPCI.

Partially upheld complaint against the Governor of HMP Bure

Complaint category:
Visits, calls & letters
Partially upheld
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained that a letter ‘First Class Signed For’, had not been delivered or returned. The prisoner asked to be compensated by the prison for his lost letter which included sensitive documents. He also complained that the delay in the prison providing him with the relevant paperwork to claim compensation from the mail courier, meant he was unable to claim compensation, as it was out of time.
We considered the prison could have better handled the request for a mail courier compensation form, so the prisoner was not out-of-time for a claim. We suggested improvements to the way they handle requests for mail compensation forms in future.

Partially upheld complaint against the Governor of HMP Full Sutton

Complaint category:
Accommodation, food, education & other facilities
Partially upheld
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained that the floor in the visit’s hall was constantly dirty. When they complained to the prison, they were unhappy with the responses received which did not address the points raised.
The IPCI investigation agreed that the prison’s responses did not adequately address the main points of the prisoner’s complaint. The prison was reminded of the need for cleanliness in all areas of the prison, and of the policy requirements to address the primary issues raised in a prisoner’s complaint forms.

Partially upheld complaint against the Governor of HMP/YOI Aylesbury

Complaint category:
Categorisation, progression & release preparation
Partially upheld
Month investigation completed:
Year investigation completed:
The prisoner complained about being refused Category D status (open conditions). The IPCI investigation found there were some factual errors in the review paperwork, and confusion and misunderstanding when the prison was responding to the prisoner’s subsequent appeal and complaints.
The prison resolved this matter by holding a multi-agency meeting and it was agreed the prisoner was ready for a progressive move to open conditions.